2020 Divorce eNewsletter Archive

Divorce MagazineAs a service to our clients, Divorce Magazine and our firm are pleased to provide you with this monthly e-newsletter and hope that the information and articles contained within are helpful and supportive.

December 2020
  1. Happy New Year, I Want a Divorce!
  2. Don’t Overlook the Details in Your Divorce Agreement
  3. 10 Things You Should Know About Divorce During a Pandemic
  4. Tips to Help Children Enjoy the Holidays After Divorce During COVID-19
  5. 3 Gifts from Your Divorce for This Holiday Season
November 2020
  1. Avoid Making These Mistakes When Searching For a Divorce Attorney
  2. Use of Online Mediation for a Potential Post-Quarantine Divorce Spike
  3. 6 Tips for Divorced Moms Facing Thanksgiving Without Their Kids
  4. Nesting After Divorce Can Actually Save You Money
  5. 5 Tips On Staying Mindful During Divorce
October 2020
  1. 7 Activities For Single Parents To Keep The Kids Entertained
  2. Early Signs that COVID-19 Could Be Destroying Marriages
  3. Financial Independence: Steps to Take After a Divorce
  4. Loss of Identity and Finding Yourself After Divorce
  5. Dating After Divorce? Ask Yourself These 5 Questions First
September 2020
  1. Should You Get a Divorce? 10 Key Questions to Ask Yourself
  2. Things I Thought I Would Never Say to My Ex During a Pandemic!
  3. Back-to-School Planning with Your Co-Parent
  4. Lesser-Known Financial Risks for Couples Facing Divorce
  5. Dating After Divorce: 5 Top Tips from a Relationship Expert
August 2020
  1. Facing a Divorce As Quarantine Ends?
  2. Can My Ex Inherit My Assets?
  3. Online Safety Tips After Divorce
  4. Made Co-Parenting Mistakes After Your Divorce? Step Up To Make It Right!
  5. Tips for Healthy Eating and Staying Active After Divorce
July 2020
  1. How COVID-19 Can Impact the Outcome of Your Divorce
  2. 5 Tips for Getting the Most from Your Attorney During Mediation
  3. How My Divorce Helped Prepare Me for the Pandemic
  4. How to Protect Your Real Estate Assets from an Impending Divorce
  5. Making New Friends Post-Divorce
June 2020
  1. 5 Things You Need to Know Before You File for Divorce
  2. 12 Tips for Staying Centered and Calm During the COVID-19 Crisis
  3. Father’s Day After Divorce: What To Do When It Falls On Her Day
  4. Co-Parenting and COVID-19: Why I’m Not Going to War With my Ex
  5. Rebuild Your Life and Career After a Divorce During COVID-19
May 2020
  1. 4 Tips for Co-Parenting During COVID-19
  2. Brighter Days Ahead After Divorce
  3. Are Divorce Rates and Custody Issues Linked to COVID-19?
  4. Ways a Self-Quarantine During COVID-19 Could Help You in Divorce
  5. 7 Things You Can do for a Divorced Mom on Mother’s Day
April 2020
  1. Joint Custody in the Midst of Coronavirus: Be Flexible With Your Ex
  2. 7 Signs Your Marriage is Over, According to Experts
  3. Financial Matters During Divorce: Things to Consider
  4. It’s Time to Divorce Your Story and Move On
  5. Kick-In-The-Butt Letter To Lucy, 59, in Divorce Recovery
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